**Synopsis:** In a world where truth and faith are challenged by supernatural forces, a group of spiritual warriors rises to protect humanity from the corruption of darkness. The story begins with the letters of the apostles being spread across the realm, bringing sacred teachings and powerful warnings to those who dare to listen. But when unknown forces manipulate the divine words, chaos erupts among the nations, and unlikely heroes are forced to unite to restore order. Through the letters from Galatians to Jude, heroes like Paul, John, and other apostles are called to confront not only carnal temptations but also demonic entities that seek to rewrite history. With the help of celestial allies, such as warrior angels and ancient spirits, they must face the corruption that threatens to destroy the essence of their faith. Amid betrayals and epic battles, the line between good and evil blurs, and the true mission of these heroes will be revealed: to bring light to a world in shadows and discover whether redemption is still possible, even for those who have fallen into the grips of despair. --- This version of the synopsis incorporates biblical elements with fantasy and fiction, exploring the battle between light and darkness, and the impact of sacred teachings in the fictional universe you ve created.