Oliver Twist is a timeless classic penned by Charles Dickens, chronicling the life of a young orphan boy named Oliver who navigates the harsh realities of Victorian England. The story unfolds with Oliver s birth in a workhouse and follows his tumultuous journey through the streets of London as he encounters a colorful cast of characters, both kind-hearted and villainous. As Oliver seeks refuge from the hardships of his early life, he finds himself drawn into a world of crime and poverty, unwittingly becoming entangled with the notorious Fagin and his gang of youthful pickpockets. Despite the trials and tribulations he faces, Oliver s inherent goodness and innocence shine through, earning him the sympathy and support of those he meets along the way. Through Oliver s eyes, readers are exposed to the injustices of the social hierarchy, the plight of the poor, and the pervasive corruption that permeates society. As he struggles to find his place in the world, Oliver s journey becomes a poignant exploration of identity, morality, and the search for belonging. Oliver Twist remains a compelling work of literature that continues to resonate with readers of all ages for its vivid portrayal of Victorian London, its memorable characters, and its timeless themes of compassion, resilience, and the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity.