No one disappears without a trace ... especially superheroes. The Tenth Muse has gone missing and no one not even her closest friends have a clue -- not quite. The Muse's deadliest enemies, Medusa and Tragedy have teamed and schemed to bring the muse to face their brand of justice. Hope however comes in the guise in our groovy gal Judo Girl but will she be too late? Will she be enough?<p>No one disappears without a trace ... especially superheroes. The Tenth Muse has gone missing and no one not even her closest friends have a clue -- not quite. The Muse's deadliest enemies, Medusa and Tragedy have teamed and schemed to bring the muse to face their brand of justice. Hope however comes in the guise in our groovy gal Judo Girl but will she be too late? Will she be enough?</p>